⚠️️ Read this if you had someone design your site for you | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

Most web designers don't have a clue when it comes to true SEO. Find out about 10 web design mistakes that can kill SEO efforts and learn how to fix them.

My point is that even the so-called experts often make mistakes that have a negative impact on SEO. Sometimes because of ignorance and other times because they overlook critical details. So today, I want to help you avoid that by sharing some of the website mistakes I commonly see that kill SEOefforts.

10 design mistakes to avoid

Failing to set quantifiable goals and measure your results ↓

Not thoroughly testing all design elements ↓

Not prioritizing page speed ↓

Improperly sized/unoptimized media ↓

Not prioritizing responsive design ↓

Changes in URL structure ↓

Ignoring website security ↓

Failing to test mission-critical elements ↓

Making excessive http  requests ↓

Skipping the final launch checklist ↓