Robolution Capital
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Service Robots Revolution / Robotique de services, une révolution
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Teradyne to Buy Universal Robots for $285 Million

Teradyne to Buy Universal Robots for $285 Million | Robolution Capital |
Teradyne Inc. on Wednesday agreed to buy Universal Robots for $285 million in cash, in a move to expand its business with the low-cost collaborative robots.
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The View from the Front Seat of the Google Self-Driving Car

The View from the Front Seat of the Google Self-Driving Car - Backchannel - Medium
After 1.7 million miles we’ve learned a lot — not just about our system but how humans drive, too.
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How two buddy industrial robots could upend the logistics industry forever

How two buddy industrial robots could upend the logistics industry forever | Robolution Capital |
The Fetch and the Freight, two robots from Fetch Robotics, were designed to slash the costs of picking items off warehouse shelves and moving them around factories.
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Who Is Gomtec, the Collaborative Robotics Company Acquired by ABB? - IEEE Spectrum

Who Is Gomtec, the Collaborative Robotics Company Acquired by ABB? - IEEE Spectrum | Robolution Capital |
Here's why Swiss automation giant ABB is buying a small robot arm company
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You Can Launch This Quadrotor by Throwing It in the Air - IEEE Spectrum

You Can Launch This Quadrotor by Throwing It in the Air - IEEE Spectrum | Robolution Capital |
Without any external control, this drone stabilizes itself in midair almost instantly
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La bataille pour le contrôle de la voiture du futur est lancée

La bataille pour le contrôle de la voiture du futur est lancée | Robolution Capital |
Qui veut la peau de l'industrie automobile ? L'arrivée potentielle de nouveaux entrants sur le marché de la voiture particulière fait l'objet...
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Balyo lève 10 millions d’euros pour rendre autonome plus de chariots d’entrepôts

Balyo lève 10 millions d’euros pour rendre autonome plus de chariots d’entrepôts | Robolution Capital |
LE MONTANT - Balyo vient de lever 10 millions d'euros auprès du fonds Robolution Capital, du groupe industriel Linde Material Handling et de ses actionnaires historiques (Bpifrance et le fonds Seven
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Balyo lève 10m€ auprès de Robolution Capital, Seventure, Bpifrance et Linde

Balyo lève 10m€ auprès de Robolution Capital, Seventure, Bpifrance et Linde | Robolution Capital |
Pendant que Google et les constructeurs automobiles annoncent l'arrivée prochaine de voitures sans chauffeur, une révolution similaire est déjà...
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This startup wants to take on Uber and Lyft with self-flying cars

This startup wants to take on Uber and Lyft with self-flying cars | Robolution Capital |
At SXSW Interactive, AeroMobil announced plans for a new kind of vehicle: self-flying cars.
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Video: Amazing Robot-Controlled Flight Simulator

Video: Amazing Robot-Controlled Flight Simulator | Robolution Capital |
Researchers seek to revolutionize flight training.
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Agriculture: quelle drone d’idée !

Agriculture: quelle drone d’idée ! | Robolution Capital |
L'avenir de l'agriculture passe-t-il par les drones ? Si leur utilisation demeure encore ultra-confidentielle - difficile de trouver plus de quelques exploitants ayant déjà investi -, le Mondial d
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Le monde animal, terreau des futurs robots

Le monde animal, terreau des futurs robots | Robolution Capital |
Malgré les roues du 4 × 4 qui viennent de lui rouler dessus, le petit robot continue sa route comme si de rien n'était. A l'inverse de nombre...
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Les robots sont parmi nous

Les robots sont parmi nous | Robolution Capital |
Un robot chien... un robot fermeture-éclair... un robot qui aspire les cheveux de sa "patronne"... Notre quotidien au milieu des robots devient une réalité.
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Is Lily a Drone? Or Is It a Camera?

Is Lily a Drone? Or Is It a Camera? | Robolution Capital |
Startup Lily Robotics comes out of stealth this week with an autonomous flying videographer
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Bientôt des robots d'assistance aux personnes âgées chez Axa

Bientôt des robots d'assistance aux personnes âgées chez Axa | Robolution Capital |
Télémédecine, objets connectés mais aussi robots compagnons, Axa Assistance explore toutes les pistes du numérique pour favoriser le maintien au domicile des personnes dépendantes ou porter seco [...]
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Swisslog acquires Forte Industries in the United States

Swisslog acquires Forte Industries in the United States | Robolution Capital |
SHD Magazine: News from the logistics, storage, handling and distribution industry, the industry's stop for breaking news. Read exclusive blogs from SHD's editorial team, and the latest logistics press releases from the many suppliers to our industry.
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Fotokite keeps drone photography on a tight leash

Fotokite keeps drone photography on a tight leash | Robolution Capital |
By putting his Fotokite quadcopters on a leash, Russian roboticist Sergei Lupashin hopes to get airborne cameras into the hands of more journalists and enable them to tell stories from exciting ne...
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Un drone français pour chasser les pilotes de drone

Un drone français pour chasser les pilotes de drone | Robolution Capital |
La firme française de robotique ECA, propriété du Groupe Gorgé, a annoncé avoir développé une technologie permettant de localiser rapidement...
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DJI Engineered The Phantom 3 Drone To Be More Plug-And-Play

DJI Engineered The Phantom 3 Drone To Be More Plug-And-Play | Robolution Capital |
With a bit of fanfare today, DJI announced the Phantom 3 Drone at a launch event in New York City. But it was a worldwide affair at one point when they..
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Google is building a robotic surgery platform with Johnson & Johnson

Google is partnering with medical and pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson on a robotic surgery project. Johnson & Johnson announced today that Google and its surgery-focused subsidiary Ethicon...
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FAA Grants Amazon Permission To Test Drone Deliveries

FAA Grants Amazon Permission To Test Drone Deliveries | Robolution Capital |
The FAA just released a statement indicated that Amazon now has limited permission to test and develop drones in the United States. It's not a blank check,..
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EnerBee, qui veut rendre les objets connectés autonomes en énergie, lève 2.5M€ !

Pierre Coulombeau n’a qu’une remarque au sujet de l’Apple Watch : «  Sa batterie ne tient que 18 heures ». Lui, propose d’éliminer...
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Learn to program robots for free, on your own time

Learn to program robots for free, on your own time | Robolution Capital |
TurtleBot wants to inspire and enable the next generation of robot programmers.
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GuardBot: US marines testing robot guard balls that can swim and roll on any terrain

GuardBot: US marines testing robot guard balls that can swim and roll on any terrain | Robolution Capital |
An amphibious robot drone that was meant to go to Mars is now being repurposed as a guard during warfare
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DARPA and OSRF Developing Next-Gen Prosthetic Limbs in Simulation and Reality - IEEE Spectrum

DARPA and OSRF Developing Next-Gen Prosthetic Limbs in Simulation and Reality - IEEE Spectrum | Robolution Capital |
DARPA wants amputees to have prosthetics that act, and feel, just like real arms
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