ENISA puts smart devices and IoT on top of European security agenda | CyberSecurity | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it

The security of the Internet of Things, vehicles, airports and healthcare will be part of a wider focus of EU-backed infosec organisation ENISA's work next year.

In an announcement by the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA), a new work programme was detailed which will include research into the security of smart buildings, cars, healthcare and IoT security. The announcement was made during ENISA's Cyber Security Month.

It said it would continue “its work on established priorities such as the pan-European cyber-security exercises, critical information infrastructure protection (CIIP), support for implementation of Security & Data Breach notification obligations, the EU Cybersecurity Month and the work that ENISA has done in supporting the CERT community, while broadening its scope in areas including, smart cars, smart airports and smart hospitals, with new studies in health and security of IoT”.

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