Social Media Marketing...Because Your Past Doesn't Scale | Social Marketing Revolution |

Social Media Doubters Begone
Created an interesting spontaneous "campaign" for New Years. New Years day is my birthday. It is my father's birthday too. After a great suggestion from @Kelly HungerfordI set up a spontaneous event.

Every Happy Birth generated a $10 donation to Dr. John Byrd's work at the James Cancer Center at Ohio State where I'm being treated for the leukemia my father and I share.

After the event I created a report showing where my 72 Happy Birthdays came from:

33% Came from Social Media Friends (many made here on
24% came from work friends.

19% came from Greenwich (where I grew up during a special time)
12% came from Vassar where I graduated i 1980
11% came from Choate where I graduated in 1976

Still think social media doesn't matter? As I noted in the GPlus post, the ONLY thing that can scale in that list is Social Media. I may be able to incrementally increase my alumni networks, but only Social Media can quadruple.

The future is social. Get used to it and realize it changes everything.