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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

How to Create an Editorial Calendar - Journalistics

How to Create an Editorial Calendar - Journalistics | Social Marketing Revolution |
An editorial calendar is the best tool for planning your content development activities across all the channels you publish to. Here are some tips to create yours.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

We are all journalists now. This post teaches the ins and outs of THINKING like a journalist.

Jeff Sieh's curator insight, July 7, 2013 5:04 PM

Any small business who is looking for help on getting serious about developing content, this article is a must read.  

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Startup Revolution!

How Much Content Should You Be Creating?

How Much Content Should You Be Creating? | Social Marketing Revolution |

Not So Much & More Than You Think
I love it when people say they are going to create LESS content of higher quality. If you knew how to do that then you would be on a beach somewhere sipping a frosty drink with little umbrellas in it.

No ONE knows what "quality" is until you've created enough content to take a hard look at the numbers. This is why I like consistency. I create content daily and don't wait for some "perfection" that I can't determine.

We don't determine QUALITY scores anymore THEY DO. To suggest otherwise is dangerous hubris and goofystupid. Listen more than you talk, create something everyday based on what you learned and when you stumble upon greatness double down.

Don't ask the wrong question in the wrong way and HOW MUCH is exactly the wrong question. Write what you believe and think. Watch your shares, engagement numbers (time on site, pages viewed) and test a new idea (always). Over time you will see patterns.

When in doubt ASK. No harm in admitting you are confused or unsure and asking your supporters for help. When THEY help YOU a magical thing happens transforming YOU and THEM into US.

Startups think about content LAST. This is a mistake. Content is tied to MONEY and money is the lubrication that keeps everything running. Startups should start wide sharing as much of what is happening TODAY as possible. This makes potential investors feel they know you before writing a check.

Sharing content creates TRUST and no one invests in people or things they don't trust. Consistency is important for Startups. Create content DAILY and when you see a chance for a schedule create one and publish it. Mondays are about X and Wednesdays about Y. Schedules create trust too.

Only those NEW to Internet marketing spend a lot of time thinking and pulling their hair out about HOW something should be done. This process concern reminds me of sitting with my former catalog bosses one day. They told me they spent hours teasing out whether a hero image (largest image on a webpage is a "hero") should be this way or that.

They asked me what I thought. "It doesn't matter," I told them and their faces fell. They were used to a decision like that, the cover of a catalog, costing tens of thousands of dollars. The hero for our webpage didn't matter because we would change it in seven days (if not sooner) anyway AND I didn't have to guess.

DATA would start to flow the minute we put the image up. They were used to expensive tests that took months to resolve. I was used to inexpensive tests we did all the time, so no reason to EVEN HAVE the process conversation.

So much of this debate is of the "It doesn't matter" variety. Every moment you THNK about creating great content instead of creating SOME content and testing are a moment lost. YOU don't crate great content. You create content and THEY decide if it is great or not. Best way I know to create GREAT content is create consistently and learn as you go.

When I was a Director of Ecommerce here is something I said frequently to my team, "We are going to do SOMETHING even if it is the wrong thing". Never regretted saying it or anything we did because SOMETHING always beats NOTHING online.

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, June 15, 2013 3:59 PM
Great comment Daniel. Nice Scoops too. Thanks, Marty
Sean Ryan O'Neill's curator insight, June 16, 2013 6:51 AM

Excellent read, including the comments which followed. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, July 10, 2013 7:16 PM
Had an interesting follow on conversation with Jan Gordon about the question of how much. MORE is an important idea because you can't analyze feedback on content you don't create and publish. More can also be a turnoff for some, but the way we consume content along with everything else is changing. Instead of reading everything all the way through we dip in and dip out. Twitter and other social nets are either leading or reinforcing this ADD-like behavior. Well let's not judge it. It is what it is. No one READS anymore we scan so MORE scanable content in more places is good. Even BAD content is valuable since its creator learns NOT to create that kind of content, but ONLY if they publish. If a team "Sistine Chapels" their content waiting for a perfection that will never arrive they kill feedback needed to thrive.
Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from MarketingHits!

How to Improve Your Social Media Calls to Action

How to Improve Your Social Media Calls to Action | Social Marketing Revolution |

Excerpted from article by Heidi Cohen published on Social Media Examiner:
"Here are seven steps for crafting calls to action to get your social community to do what you’d like them to and transform your social media marketing to get the results you want.

#1: Determine What You Want Prospects to Do:
Your call to action should encourage readers to engage with you further.
Make readers an offer they want. You can consider offering white paper downloads, ebooks, ongoing emails, discount coupons and/or free consultations.

#2: Create a Great Hook:
You’ll need to answer the question, “What’s in it for me?” This is what your prospects want to know.
And your request must make sense to them. This means not asking prospects to purchase if they’re still in an information-gathering mode.

#3: Motivate Prospects to Act:
Remember, you want to give your readers a reason to act.
Provide sense of urgency. Make people an offer they can’t refuse. Give them a one-time offer to encourage a response. Realize, however, they may only buy when you provide coupons going forward.

#4: Optimize Your Call to Action:
Like other aspects of your content, formatting matters! Here are some points to consider.
- Use a contextually relevant presentation;
- Make your call to action stand out visually;
- Qualify your offer;
- Limit selection choices;
- Place calls to action in multiple locations on your pages;
- Keep calls to action above the fold;
- Put call-to-action options in order of importance;
- Include social sharing.

#5: Maintain a Consistent Presentation on Landing Pages:
This is one of the biggest reasons calls to action don’t work. Send prospects to the appropriate step in the purchase process.
Make sure you use the same wording and graphics. The goal is to show continuity. Don’t let the reader think that you’ve sent them to the wrong place or they’ll leave.

#6: Test to Maximize Results:
Every element of your call to action can be tested. When testing, only modify one factor at a time or you won’t know what caused the change.

#7: Measure Results:
How can you measure your results? You want to track the impact of your social media calls to action back to your original objectives. Here are some metrics to track:
- Impressions;
- Click-throughs;
- Click-through rate;
- Completions;
- Completion rate..."

Each step is analyzed with detailed information. Read full article here:

Via Giuseppe Mauriello, Brian Yanish -
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

No matter how GOOD your calls to action are they can always get better :).M

Jared Hawkins's curator insight, May 2, 2013 2:28 PM

This article has a great insight towards the social media and how you would want to do it. It's interesting because this really helps you finish your business ideas.

Mary Anne Hahn's curator insight, May 4, 2013 8:32 AM

Your marketing goes nowhere without an effective call to action.

Liz Wilson's curator insight, May 5, 2013 2:07 PM

How much time do copywriters give to crafting the best CTAs? Great tips here to do better.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

4 Big Social Media Lessons from Small Businesses [INFOGRAPHIC]

4 Big Social Media Lessons from Small Businesses [INFOGRAPHIC] | Social Marketing Revolution |
Social Media is not just a method only being utilized by big brands anymore. Small businesses are starting to embrace and implement social techniques on a grander scale.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Love these 4 social media lessons:

* Respond Immediately To Customer Concerns.
* Use Technology So You CAN Respond 24/7/365.
* Get Personal.

* Social Media for the Enterprise is as powerful as SMM.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Got Klout? How TO Increase your Brand’s Online Influence

Got Klout? How TO Increase your Brand’s Online Influence | Social Marketing Revolution |
Stage right: Klout. Designed to cut through the commotion, Klout provides a platform to identify industry experts and keep track of the topics you care about.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Does anyone question the importance of social influence now. A few weeks ago I wrote Why Your Klout Score Matters ( ).

Important? Beyond important in a Social, Mobile tinee of connection, trust and influence.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

3 S's of Social Media: Setup, Strategize and Schedule [Infographic]

3 S's of Social Media: Setup, Strategize and Schedule [Infographic] | Social Marketing Revolution |

How do you set up social media campaigns? Use the 3 S's: Setup, Strategize (and watch Key Performance Indicaors KPIs) and schedule. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Cool, helpful infograpic about how to set up your social media campaigns. Our process is 10% different. Excellent. 

Jesús Hernández's comment, March 9, 2013 11:27 AM
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

5 Common Social Media Marketing SEO Mistakes

5 Common Social Media Marketing SEO Mistakes | Social Marketing Revolution |
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Social Media Is SEO's Sister
You MUST have a solid working relationship between your social media marketing and SEO. The two are members of the same family. They share common blood and needs for LOVE and support. Here are five #SMM mistakes to avoid.

5 Social Media Marketing SEO Mistakes To Avoid
1. No Google Author Tags.

2. No Facebook Graph Search tags.

3. Digital assets aren't social enough.

4. Using Social Share Buttons Wrong.

5. Not including social share counts.

#1 and 2 are about making sure your Internet marketing is ready for what's next. Of these two, if you can only do one, make sure you are using Google author tags. There is some debate about if Facebook graph search is going to make it (it is a lot of work for little return at the moment, but still hedge your bet).

#3 may be the mistake with the biggest consequence. You are only as good as your LIKES, SHARES and LINKS, so make it easy to do all three. Ask for Likes, Shares and Links and equip your visitors with the right social widgets so sharing is a matter of clicks and very little work.

This post is not about how to optimize your social shares since such a post would be lengthy, but let's just say make sure you are sharing what you want to get the juice (page or content or YOU), you are using a common widget used by other sites (or widgets from the social net APIs) and your ASK (to share, link and like) is ubiquitous.

Not including your social share counts is crazy. Maybe you should wait until you have a handful of counts, but the sooner you have counts in an easy to find location the more likes, shares and links you will get. Techcrunch is my favorite way to summarize social shares (the closest thing to a true REACH single number I've seen).

Your social shares don't have to be as elaborate as TechCrunch, but they must be present or you are robbing your website of one of its more powerful viral weapons - sharing the hand and presence of the sentient mob.


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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from MarketingHits!

UPDATES - How To Create The Perfect Pinterest, Google+, Facebook & Twitter Posts [Infographic]

UPDATES - How To Create The Perfect Pinterest, Google+, Facebook & Twitter Posts [Infographic] | Social Marketing Revolution |

Via Brian Yanish -
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Wow, this infographic cover tons of territory fast. Great and very "ean content movement".

Russ Merz, Ph.D.'s comment June 13, 2013 4:56 PM
Very useful information.
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Discuss PADS and PHONES To Reach Men and Women On Facebook [Infographic]

Discuss PADS and PHONES To Reach Men and Women On Facebook [Infographic] | Social Marketing Revolution |
An interesting infographic here that that takes a look at 'What Men and Women ‘Like’ on Facebook' and uses that to highlight a shift in a defined pattern in
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great infograpic that shows there are few topics you can discuss on Facebook that appeal equally to MEN and WOMEN. iPads and mobile phones are the excpetion to that rule. 

Combine this graphic with the "when to post" graphic I just pinned to ScentTrail Social  

ScentTrail on Pinterest:  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

5 Tips To Avoid Epic Customer Service FAILS - ScentTrail Marketing

5 Tips To Avoid Epic Customer Service FAILS - ScentTrail Marketing | Social Marketing Revolution |
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

How To Avoid Epic Customer Service Fails 

Epic customer service fails in a time of connected social media are more costly to brands and companies than ever. One would think given the immense power any consumer has companies would make sure their customer service TALK and WALK match. 

Not so much as it turns out as this post on how my TV was stolen twice proves.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

How to Build Your Brand Online – Infographic

How to Build Your Brand Online – Infographic | Social Marketing Revolution |
The definition of branding is a particular product or a characteristic that serves to identify a particular product. In other words, it's what people think of w
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Excellent visualization of tips we all know, love and try to practice.

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Latest Social Media News!

Pinterest For Business: How People Interact with Pins on Pinterest – [Infographic]

Pinterest For Business: How People Interact with Pins on Pinterest – [Infographic] | Social Marketing Revolution |
How Users Interact with Pins on Pinterest – infographic Pinterest is a pinboard-style photo sharing

Via WordPress SEO & Social Media, Gerrit Bes
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Good actionable information on this infographic re: Pinterest for business. 

WordPress SEO & Social Media's curator insight, February 4, 2013 6:07 AM

How Users Interact with Pins on Pinterest – infographic /@BerriePelser

E-Strands Ltd's curator insight, February 4, 2013 10:21 AM

 How Users Interact with Pins on Pinterest – infographic Pinterest is a pinboard-style photo sharing