Mark Traphagen Day On - A Wizard Every #Startup Should Follow | Startup Revolution |

Today is my day to say THANK YOU to a mentor, coach and fellow cancer survivor. Today is Mark Traphagen (@MarkTraphagen) day on

Today is CureCancerStarter's second day in existence and it is dedicated to a man who has taught me more about the wonders of GooglePlus that I ever believed existed (full convert now).

More than Mark's particular expertise is his demonstration of the GIVE NOW and worry about everything else later philosophy. When I asked Mark to speak at my Free Internet Saturday meeting he didn't calculate ROI or the reach of the event he came, shared and helped make the idea bigger.

This SHARE FIRST idea is at the CORE of, a new website that costs a lot in development but is FREE to use and NO HOUSE MONEY. 100% of donations go to the cancer research our donors want to donate to.

Some would say creating such an idea with my Atlantic BT salary, life savings and a generous grant from Atlantic BT is crazy. I say it is right, true and valuable and I learned that idea, at least partially, from Mark Traphagen.

Thanks Mark and the minute we add the "donate in someone's name" feature I'm gong to retag my UW Carbone donations in your name: 

PS. if you are a startup and don't follow mark on GPlus you are nuts.