Dragon Egg Hunt Contest on Moon-Audio.com IS Content Gamification  | Startup Revolution | Scoop.it

What Is Content Gamification?

"Content gamification, what is that?" Every Curagami customer asks that question. We stammer, twitch and try to explain content as a GAME. No one gets it. 

Thankfully talented friends at Moon-Audio.com have SHOWN what content gamification is with their Dragon Egg Hunt Contest. Moon-Audio.com is the home of Silver, Black and Blue Dragon audio cables. 

The backstory is one of their Dragons laid eggs they can't find. You, Dragon Egg Hunter and website visitor, are asked to help find the missing Dragon Eggs. 

TOO GOOD! Contest is blowing up and now when people ask what is content gamification we can ask them a question, "Have you ever hunted for dragon eggs online?" 

In the meantime we are going to go play with a dragon :).M
