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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

3 Must Read Books for Startups: Bold, Tilt and Start with Why

3 Books for Startups
This is the order we would read these books in AND we would read them all since each speaks to a different aspect of a startup's journey.

Bold: Go Big or Go Home
We are starting this list of 3 books for startups with Bold: How To Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the world because it has the best crowdfunding summary we've ever read.

Since finding money is usually the #1 issue most startups face and many have questions about crowdfunding read Diamandis & Kotter's book first. Chances are, if you are a startup, you are already "thinking exponentially", but this is a great and inspirational read.

The section on preparing your psyche for the exponential startup journey is another standout mustread for startup entrepreneurs.

Tilt: Shifting Your Business From Products To Customers
Tilt is another great startup read. Niraj Dawar has the shift from products to customers SO RIGHT. He even knows why its so hard to change our thinking from How Much More Can We Sell to What Else Do Our Customers Need. If Bold has the best crowdfunding summary we've read Tilt describes marketing's hard to change muscle memory. Go downstream if you want to win.

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action
Every business starts with a passionate why. Some like Tom's shoes, Zappos and Amazon know and don't lose their why. Some companies such as Walmart, Kodak and Xerox lose or have their why get fuzzy. A bad rain falls when your lose your WHY or your why doesn't evolve, respond to feedback and grow. Just as important as the Lean Startup by Ries Start with Why should be a compulsory read for any startup.

The common elements to all three of these books are:

* Share your honest passion and be all in.
* Think BIG and DIFFERENT and prepare yourself for pain such thinking brings.
* Focus on customers and LISTEN and don't get too attached to anything.

Remember Ferris Beuller's words:

Ferris: Not that I condone fascism, or any -ism for that matter. -Ism's in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an -ism, he should believe in himself. I quote John Lennon, "I don't believe in Beatles, I just believe in me." Good point there. After all, he was the walrus. I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people.

Stay OPEN and read, read and read some more. Good luck. Marty and team

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

How Your Unique Greatness Meets Customer Aspirations To Scale Your Startup - via @AtlanticBT

How Your Unique Greatness Meets Customer Aspirations To Scale Your Startup - via @AtlanticBT | Startup Revolution |

Know thyself is great Internet marketing advice and this post helps explain how to define your Unique Selling Propositions and Unique Customer Aspirations.

UCA is the startups secret weapon. When you are aligned to UCA your startup scales. When your ideas are out of alignment or not communicated well (been there, done that) your startup doesn't scale.

Wrote this piece for Atlantic BT during my tenure as Marketing Director.

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from @wonil07lee SoLoMo & Biz Trend!

Why Bootstrapping Startups Is a Better Choice

Why Bootstrapping Startups Is a Better Choice | Startup Revolution |

"In the age of startups and micro-enterprises, the first thing you hear about, when it comes to creating a new company, service or digital product is a whole new glossary of words starting ranging from venture capital to angel investors."

Via Robin Good, Wonil Lee Ph.D.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

I changed the title here because the longer you can bootstrap your startup the less you give up and the more you get for your hard work.

Brenda Collins's curator insight, May 8, 2014 3:37 PM

If you can boot strap your venture then do so before talking to investors. Gather around you people who have no vested interest in your company except your success and will speak honestly to you. 

OneView Tunis's curator insight, June 15, 2014 4:12 AM

Profitabilité vs. service rendu. Tout se décide dès le début

doddy frnces's curator insight, March 22, 4:26 AM
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Triangle Startup Factory ACCEPTS CrowdFunde For Spring 2014 Class

Triangle Startup Factory ACCEPTS CrowdFunde For Spring 2014 Class | Startup Revolution |

CrowdFunde Accepted Triangle Startup (TSF) Factory
Thanks to friends who wrote cards and letters and thanks to the team at Triangle Startup Factory, our Durham, NC based startup incubator, who are willing to take a risk on CrowdFUnde as we smash content marketing and crowdfunding together to see what happens.

Our TSF session starts March 10th and we hope you will join us as we share this great startup adventure.


Haiku Deck Pitch to TSF

Triangle Startup Factory

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from It's Your Business!

13 Most Effective Crowd Funding Tips For Startups

13 Most Effective Crowd Funding Tips For Startups | Startup Revolution |

All startups need money, unless the owners are loaded. Where does that money come from? From fundraising efforts, both offline and online. Online fundraising is a lot more effective because of its sheer reach. Here are several tips for startups on how to obtain crowd funding for their projects.

Via The Fish Firm II
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

13 great tips here and about half of them are just great internet marketing tips. 

jg3000's curator insight, November 30, 2013 11:52 PM

Thanks for the vital tips.

Happy Holidays!!!

mohammed lakhlili's curator insight, January 7, 2014 3:53 PM


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L e Cours Marketing indispensable pour qui envisage de vendre sur internet sans y laisser sa chemise. La méthode de vente génialissime de Didier Bonnevile Roussy, le fameux marketeur québecois et l’un des pioniers du web marketing francophone).


Silvia Aris's curator insight, March 5, 2014 6:11 AM

Seguire questi 13 passaggi è un ottimo modo per gestire il crowdfunding della vostra startup. Se avete in mente di finanziarla con questo metodo, i consigli di Art Of The Start fanno al caso vostro.

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Design, Science and Technology!

Kickstart A Startup Revolution In 7 Infographics

Kickstart A Startup Revolution In 7 Infographics | Startup Revolution |

Crowdfunding is on the rise, and Kickstarter is leading the pack. Not only is the trend increasing but, it I’ve noticed that the word “kickstart” has replaced some of the actual terms used when referring to other areas of crowdfunding.


Kickstarter Stats:

over 5 million daily visitors3700 ongoing projects funded$18 Million of fundingMultiple projects cross the $1 million thresholdFilm and Video, Games, Music, and Technology are the largest Categories

Via Lauren Moss, Antonios Bouris
Iron Dane Richards's comment, September 23, 2013 8:19 AM
In my latest book on business credit it discusses the value of crowd-funding and Indigogo as they will fund anything unlike Kickstarter that specializes in Media oriented endeavors.
Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, September 23, 2013 10:21 AM
Good insight from Iron Dane Richards. Easier to create a sure takeaway from Indigogo too since they will let campaigns increase the house take and walk away with something where Kickstarter is all or nothing. Either the campaign meets its goals or it gets nothing. 42% of the campaigns on Kickstarter meet their goals and most campaigns are funded at $10,000 or below.
Brett.Ashley.Crawford's curator insight, October 28, 2013 12:18 PM

Nonprofits are also looking to crowdfunding -- but it has a dark underbelly as well.


Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Bad Girl Klein Inspires

Bad Girl Klein Inspires | Startup Revolution |

Mother Of Crowdfunding
Attended a great class on crowdfunding with Candace Klein from Candace is a new breed of startup entrepreneur. This new generation is comfortable with COPE (Create Once Publish Everywhere), live at ever increasing speeds to create, give away and create again. 

Too cool. Candace has many lessons for entrepreneurs, Internet marketers and crowdfunders.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

STEAL THIS MoMA Kickstarter Store Idea Because Crowdfunding = Where BUZZ Lives

STEAL THIS MoMA Kickstarter Store Idea Because Crowdfunding = Where BUZZ Lives | Startup Revolution |

Crowdfunding Where BUZZ Lives In Time For the Holidays
Working on taught us important content marketing lessons such as:

* Buzz is HARD to create by yourself.
* Want buzz? Go to where the BUZZ is and mashup.
* Crowdfunding is highly SOCIAL and very BUZZ worthy.

* Crazy Guy / Girl in basement is a compelling aspirational story.

That last bullet is where the moneyball lives. The reason crowdfunding sites such as Kickstarter ROCK SEO and content marketing is great entrepreneurs share their cool ideas AND their social network. Platforms such as Kickstarter get to sit back and pick and choose what to help BLOW UP (or their algorithm does).

Here MoMA creates a curated content partnership with Kickstarter helping to add legitimacy to everyone's hand (for MoMA, Kickstarter and the projects curated into MoMA's holiday guide). What is stopping YOU from creating a similar partnership with a cool crowdfunding platform and featuring BUZZ worthy products you curate?

Answer: NOTHING other than the limitation of our merchandising imaginations and those boundaries should be few and far between :).M

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Digital-News on today!

Lean Startups: 10 Ways To Use Social Media To Crowd Source Marketing - Jeffbullas's Blog

Lean Startups: 10 Ways To Use Social Media To Crowd Source Marketing - Jeffbullas's Blog | Startup Revolution |
Marketers are always trying to finding ways to create viral conversations with social media. Here are 10 tips to tap the power of crowd sourced marketing.

Via Thomas Faltin
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

It is possible to crowdsource virtually everything you do, think, or are thinking about. It takes TIME and the right tools, but benefits are huge and line up well with Lean Startup ideas.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Rock Scoopit? Great Content Curator? CrowdFunde Hiring 10 Great Content Curators

Rock Scoopit? Great Content Curator? CrowdFunde Hiring 10 Great Content Curators | Startup Revolution |

If you love using we have a job for you. CrowdFunde, a Durham NC startup, is searching for the top 10 content curators in the world. CrowdFunde is a new company dedicated to helping websites, brands and companies tap wisdom of crowds.

And we need 10 great content curators to help!

If you are a great content curator we want to recognize your contribution, pay you to do something you love and include you in a cool new company about to change the way ecommerce merchants create content marketing and the way content marketers know what content to create.

If you are a great curator we hope you will apply at

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Suggested by pooja gala!

Wishberg Raises $150K To Help Users Achieve Their Goals | TechCrunch

Wishberg Raises $150K To Help Users Achieve Their Goals | TechCrunch | Startup Revolution |
Wishberg, a startup that lets users share a "bucket list" of their goals, announced that it has raised $150,000 in seed funding from India Quotient, a venture..
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

India seems an appropriate place for funding this cool idea. Another form of crowdfunding. Crowdfunding aspirations :). M

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

After 1 Week UNC Lineberger's Fibrocyte Research 45% FUNDED Thanks TO FOMs & Startups

After 1 Week UNC Lineberger's Fibrocyte Research 45% FUNDED Thanks TO FOMs & Startups | Startup Revolution |
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Thank You STARTUPS and FOMs (Friends of Martin)
That is me yelling at my doctor in the video image above (lol). Dr. Han van Deventer's Fibrocyte cure cancer research is now 45% funded after only a week on our brand spanking new #startup (

THANK YOU to my friends who run, are creating or want to create a new startup. Your support, ideas and encouragement is why we got HERE. And HERE is pretty cool

Here is using the web to help cure cancer. It takes COURAGE to step up and use a new idea (bumps and strange things like wiping out your donation choice and moving it back to $5 after you save a creditcard). We are working on the car as we drive it, but to see people who have the courage to STEP UP and do something HERE AND NOW to change the world is inspiring.

There are 4 other great cancer research campaigns on our startup too:

Brain Cancer Vaccine From Roswell Park

Vitamin D & Lung Cancer From Froswell Park

Creating A Reolution In Colorectal Cancer Care from UW Carbone

Saving Generations Of Lives In Malwai UNC Lineberger Cancer Center

YES would be how most people would answer this question. If you could change the world in 5 minutes for $50 would you? Hope you will join the brave dragon fighters that have already answered YES.

Thanks to my fellow startups for your support!

BTW, 100% of all donations go to cancer research. No house money here as we are funding with my Atlantic BT Marketing Director salary and a generous grant from Atlantic BT, best damn website and software developers on earth (or the southeast anyway :). Marty

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Venture Capital Firms Disappearing, Those Left Think Market Improving

Venture Capital Firms Disappearing, Those Left Think Market Improving | Startup Revolution |
About 400 firms have stopped investing or gone out of business since 2000, by one count, but VCs are optimistic about the next 18 months
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Is VC As A Concept Dead Man Walking
Interesting article noting the steep decline of VC firms without a related decline in the number of startups. They credit the movie The Social Network (strange). 

I think the costs of starting a company are declining fast as OPP (Other People's Platforms) help entrepreneurs get started and prove a MVP (Minimal Viable Product). 

The article also notes an increase in angel investing. I would add alternative forms of financing such as bootstrapping and crowdfunding. Throw all of these ideas on the wall and one has to wonder if the idea of Venture Capitalists is either over about to morph into something other than what it has been. 


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