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How might we keep the lights on, water flowing, and natural world vaguely intact? It starts with grabbing innovative ideas/examples to help kick down our limits and inspire a more sustainable world. We implement with rigorous science backed by hard data.
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SoCalGas union leader threatened protest despite coronavirus

SoCalGas union leader threatened protest despite coronavirus | Sustainability Science |
Eric Hofmann told San Luis Obispo officials he would bus in "hundreds and hundreds of pissed off people potentially adding to this pandemic."
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Using coronavirus to stymie decarbonization efforts in coastal California.
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As Australia Burns, a Climate-Change Denier Rallies the Troops

As Australia Burns, a Climate-Change Denier Rallies the Troops | Sustainability Science |
Scroll through the Facebook page of Craig Kelly, a conservative politician, and you’ll see why the country has not taken strong action on global warming.
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The power of misinformation in the hands of a charlatan and when injected into a polarized population can to material harm.
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Practitioners Across Industries Embracing Their Role in Ensuring Health of Our Ocean

Practitioners Across Industries Embracing Their Role in Ensuring Health of Our Ocean | Sustainability Science |
Along with the climate crisis, our destructive food system and other complex, systemic issues facing threatening our longevity on this planet, the health and sustainability of the ocean and everything it provides has become top of mind in recent years — thanks to growing corporate and governmental mobilization around rescuing this precious resource from our historically exploitative relationship to it.

Via EcoVadis
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Green New Deal: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

With the Green New Deal sparking a national conversation about all the ways to combat climate change, John Oliver looks at a few potential solutions
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Ignore the climate change deniers. California's hellish summer really is a grave warning

Ignore the climate change deniers. California's hellish summer really is a grave warning | Sustainability Science |
In the long, hot, smoky California summer of 2018, as we camp under ash-hued sunset skies, the scariest thought is that the future has arrived, and more intense weather extremes will continue to wreak havoc in years to come.
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Trump’s Auto Efficiency Rollback: Losing the Climate Fight, 1 MPG at a Time

Trump’s Auto Efficiency Rollback: Losing the Climate Fight, 1 MPG at a Time | Sustainability Science |
The Trump administration’s proposed freezing of tailpipe regulations would reverse one of the most effective climate actions on the books.
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Climate Change Denialists Say Polar Bears Are Fine. Scientists Are Pushing Back. - The New York Times

Climate Change Denialists Say Polar Bears Are Fine. Scientists Are Pushing Back. - The New York Times | Sustainability Science |
In a new study, researchers single out a blog run by a Canadian zoologist as a primary source of dubious information about the status of polar bears.
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Checkmate: how do climate science deniers' predictions stack up?

Checkmate: how do climate science deniers' predictions stack up? | Sustainability Science |
The years 2017, 2016 and 2015 will make up the three hottest years on record for the planet. There’s no convincing some people
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Rick Perry and Al Franken exchange heated words on global warming

Rick Perry and Al Franken exchange heated words on global warming | Sustainability Science |
And it shows exactly why we need to stop arguing about climate science.
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More insanity of climate/fact-deniers who grab at any slim misquote as evidence that the entirety of the collective wisdom about the reality of climate change is a farce.
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Why aren't people listening to scientists?

Why aren't people listening to scientists? | Sustainability Science |
The whole concept of the expert is under extraordinary attack on both sides of the Atlantic.
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This started out well, but more of less petered out by the 6th or 7th paragraph.
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Trump advisers abruptly cancel meeting on fate of Paris climate accord

Trump advisers abruptly cancel meeting on fate of Paris climate accord | Sustainability Science |
Even for a White House in as much disarray as this one, the last-minute cancellation of a much-hyped meeting on Tuesday, purportedly to decide the fate of the Paris climate agreement, is remarkable…
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Here’s why new EPA chief Pruitt is ‘absolutely wrong’ about CO2 and climate change

Here’s why new EPA chief Pruitt is ‘absolutely wrong’ about CO2 and climate change | Sustainability Science |
Scott Pruitt says there's no proof that carbon dioxide pollution is causing the Earth to heat up. Well-established science — and a scientist who's a fellow Republican — says that's flat-out wrong.
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Canaries in the climate change coal mine

Canaries in the climate change coal mine | Sustainability Science |
I challenge any partisan climate change denier to travel to Alaska and tell the residents of the 31 communities shown on the map depicted above that climate change isn't real. It's easy to sit behind a microphone and blow steam or to makes stupid claims on the floor of the Senate, but it is a…
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Wyoming governor's pitch: Fight climate change with coal

Like a near-consensus of the world’s scientific community, Gov. Mark Gordon believes in climate change. Like many across the planet, Gordon believes the problem is a man-made one, and that something needs to be done about it.

But – as he’s maintained on the campaign trail and into his second year in office – it doesn’t need to come at the cost of fossil fuels.

It was a tumultuous first year for Gordon, whose plans to move the state’s coal industry toward the experimental world of carbon capture technology came amid a number of coal bankruptcies in the Powder River Basin. Under heavy pressure from the Legislature, Gordon vetoed a bill allowing the body to sue the state of Washington, delaying the announcement of his own, original lawsuit until this week.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
Hmmmm....solve coal emissions by burning more coal.  Hmmmm...
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Exclusive: Chamber of Commerce CEO to push for climate change, immigration action

Exclusive: Chamber of Commerce CEO to push for climate change, immigration action | Sustainability Science |
It's a departure for the powerful business group.
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Southern State Energy Officials Celebrate Fossil Fuels as World Raises Climate Alarm

Southern State Energy Officials Celebrate Fossil Fuels as World Raises Climate Alarm | Sustainability Science |
The message from the industry-supported meeting: Push as much deregulation as possible while Trump is in power and never apologize for promoting oil, gas and coal.
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On fuel economy plan, Trump administration ignored its own EPA scientists

EPA officials raised multiple red flags in June about the administration’s contention that freezing fuel economy targets would result in fewer traffic deaths.
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SEC Drops Probe of Exxon’s Climate-Change Disclosures

SEC Drops Probe of Exxon’s Climate-Change Disclosures | Sustainability Science |
The SEC dropped a probe into whether Exxon Mobil misled investors about the risks that climate change and greenhouse-gas regulations posed to its business.
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WASHINGTON—Securities regulators dropped an investigation into whether Exxon Mobil Corp. misled investors about its accounting practices and the risks that climate change and greenhouse-gas regulations posed to its business. The Securities and Exchange Commission in a Thursday letter informed Exxon that it closed the probe and decided against trying to penalize the energy giant over its disclosures and how it valued oil and gas assets. 

The letter was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. Exxon in a statement confirmed the probe had ended, saying it began in January 2016 and involved more than 4.2 million pages of records. “After a thorough investigation, including a review of these documents, the SEC issued its closure letter,” company spokesman Scott Silvestri said in the statement.

The SEC’s investigation began under former chairman Mary Jo White, who was picked by former President Barack Obama. It ended under SEC Chairman Jay Clayton, a new leader appointed by President Trump. The decision ends what was a surprise foray by the federal regulator into questioning how a major oil producer valued its assets in a world of increasing climate-change regulations. An SEC spokesman declined to comment.  
Investigations by the attorneys general of New York and Massachusetts continue into how Exxon has accounted for the impact of climate change on its assets. New York investigators have alleged in court papers that Exxon appears to have used internal estimates to account for climate impacts that differed from public statements. Exxon has denied those charges and said its statements accurately reflect the “proxy cost” of carbon it uses in internal estimates. Before the probes began, Exxon was the only major oil-and-gas company that hadn’t written down the value of its reserves in the previous decade, an issue New York investigators had taken an interest in. 

In accounting terms, the value of such assets often falls when prices decline. Since the fourth quarter of 2016, Exxon has booked more than $3 billion of impairments. Under U.S. law, public companies must tell shareholders about risks or uncertainties that matter to shareholders’ investment decisions. Environmental groups and some activist investors have pushed the SEC to force companies to disclose more about how they weigh their exposure to climate change. 

 The SEC advised public companies in 2010 that they should consider the impact of greenhouse-gas regulations, international agreements among governments to limit emissions, and the physical effects of climate change, such as severe weather. The SEC said all of those factors wouldn’t apply to every public company, and it declined to mandate any specific disclosures about climate change. 

 Securities lawyers say the decision is specific to Exxon’s case and may not portend a change in terms of how the SEC reviews companies’ statements about climate change. Proving that a company suppressed the threat of climate change is difficult because the trend may not immediately—or anytime soon—affect its performance. “Given the time horizon over which climate change could have an impact, it’s challenging to prove that any risk or uncertainty is material to a company in the present day,” said Keith Higgins, a former SEC director and now chairman of the securities and governance practice at Ropes & Gray LLP.
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Pruitt's new "transparency" rule could limit research the EPA uses

Pruitt's new "transparency" rule could limit research the EPA uses | Sustainability Science |
The new standard may not be so transparent after all.
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Climate Information Is Disappearing From Federal Websites Under Trump

Climate Information Is Disappearing From Federal Websites Under Trump | Sustainability Science |
One group of scientists spent the past year tracking 20,000 government websites and databases about climate change. Here's what they found.
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Good riddance to Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, the most noxious climate change denier in Congress

Good riddance to Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, the most noxious climate change denier in Congress | Sustainability Science |
Rep. Lamar Smith, who announced his retirement Friday, is one of the most noxious anti-science figures in Washington.
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Why are so many CEOs bashing Trump over the Paris accord? Money and public opinion

Why are so many CEOs bashing Trump over the Paris accord? Money and public opinion | Sustainability Science |
Captains of industry such as Elon Musk and Bob Iger have led corporate opposition to President Trump's climate policies, but is their position about global warming or their bottom lines?
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Bill Nye Scolds CNN for Pitting Him Against Climate-Change Denier William Happer

Bill Nye Scolds CNN for Pitting Him Against Climate-Change Denier William Happer | Sustainability Science |
Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!
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Budget Cuts to Weather Programs Are Likely to Cost Us a Lot More Than They Save

Budget Cuts to Weather Programs Are Likely to Cost Us a Lot More Than They Save | Sustainability Science |
Without government data from weather satellites and marine monitoring systems, we won’t be able to prepare for the effects of a changing climate.
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Yale Climate Opinion Maps - U.S. 2016 - Yale Program on Climate Change Communication

Yale Climate Opinion Maps - U.S. 2016 - Yale Program on Climate Change Communication | Sustainability Science |
These global warming opinion maps show what people think about climate change in each US state, congressional district, metro area, and county.
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Wonderful interactive website with the most recent nation-wide data on climate opinions.
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