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What if Author Rank Never Happens? [Update] - Copyblogger

What if Author Rank Never Happens? [Update] - Copyblogger | The MarTech Digest |


-- >  Authorship is the way Google knows who the creator of a piece of content is, no matter which site that content resides on.

-- >  Author Rank is the idea – supported by patents filed by Google – that who creates a page of content (and links out from that page), based on their historical reputation for creating content people actually like, would become one of the signals Google relies on when ranking relevant results of a particular topic.

-- >  Google+ is a massive topical network (as opposed to a traditional social network) that provides Google with direct data about what people like and share when it comes to content on the web.



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Marteq's insight:

It's an excerpt from a 2013 article which is still pertinent today. Authorship and + remain a viable and preferred tactic for the B2B marketer, even in light of the photo drop (which means nothing)!

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Google Announces the End of Author Photos in Search: What You Should Know - Moz

Google Announces the End of Author Photos in Search: What You Should Know - Moz | The MarTech Digest |


As of June 29th, the MozCast feature graph shows traditional authorship snippets dropping to 0% of search results across all data centers. Previously, Google displayed authorship photos in 22% of all searches. Going forward, Google plans to only display the author's name in the search snippet, dropping the photo and the circle count.


Is Google Authorship still worth it?


For many, scoring photos in search results was the only incentive people had to verify authorship. Whether or not it increased click-through rates, it was an ego boost, and it was great to show clients. With the photos gone, it's likely fewer people will work to get verified. Even with the photos gone, there is still ample reason to verify authorship, and I highly recommend you continue to do so. 

-- >  Even though a byline is much less visible than a photo, across the hundreds or thousands of search impressions you receive each day, those bylines can make a measurable difference in your traffic, and may improve your online visibility.

-- >  Google continues to work on promoting authoritative authors in search results, and authorship is one of the better ways for Google to establish "identity" on the web. Google continues to make statements explaining how important identity in content is, as explained by Matt Cutts both publicly and in this rarely seen interview.



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Marteq's insight:

Google Authorship's role in search continues to be vitally important, and the drop of the photo is really meaningless (other than egos), and not a harbinger of doom for Authorship and +.

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Google Removes Authorship Photos and Google+ Circle Counts From Search Results - HubSpot

Google Removes Authorship Photos and Google+ Circle Counts From Search Results - HubSpot | The MarTech Digest |


Google's getting rid of author profile pictures and Google+ circle counts on desktop and mobile search. Since the news is fresh and doesn't appear to have taken effect just yet, marketers haven't reacted, though I anticipate a renewed fixation on dominating the top three spots. Ranking high in Google search will always be important, but with Google's more recent algorithm changes, we have to remember that we can't hack our way to the top. You've got to continue to create content that helps people -- not robots. This update is confusing and potentially frustrating, but you'll survive okay if you're focusing on pleasing people first. 



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Marteq's insight:

See the next post for commentary...

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Google Authorship: 1 Completely Unscientific Experiment + 13 Killer Resources - Portent | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

Google Authorship: 1 Completely Unscientific Experiment + 13 Killer Resources - Portent | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |

Expert/ Excerpt...

Google … unleashed a series of game-changing algorithm changes to combat content and links created merely to game the system. Game over, man, game over.


What’s Authorship got to do with all of this? First of all, it centers on linking to your Google+ profile; now you may think Google+ is a social network and just designed to compete with Facebook. I did when it first came out too.


Sure, it is a social network but it’s much more than that – I highly, highly recommend you read more about that here as soon as you can, but for now, you could simply think of it the way Mike Arnesen puts it when he talks about the possibility of AuthorRank – I’m paraphrasing what I heard him say in a presentation at an SEMpdx workshop, but it went something like “Google Plus is really an identity verification system.”



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Marteq's insight:

Another great hands-on article. The author's post explains his journey through Google Authorship, and it's a template for all of us. A must click-through.

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The 'New SEO' is Plain Old Marketing - SearchEngineWatch | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

The 'New SEO' is Plain Old Marketing - SearchEngineWatch | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |
Sometimes moving forward means going all the way back to the beginning. Even if the SEO tricks are dying out the, technical aspects like speed, structure and optimized hierarchy still matter; the definition of SEO isn't shrinking, but expanding.

Expert/ Digest...

To quote my boss, links used to be the “800 pound gorilla in the room” when it came to rankings. Now, links may still be a sizable primate, but they’re not all that matters.  Links matter. Technical SEO still matters (yes even though certain short cuts may be shut down, SEO is still alive and kicking), authorship is coming into play; in-depth articles have gotten their own schema. Then there are Social signals that can't be counted out, user data like CTR, return visitors aka customer loyalty, pogo sticking, and of course, his highness, king content that all factor in.


A part of the new world of SEO is as basic as going to our marketing roots. There’s no way that building relationships through networks is going to bring you more search engine traffic as quickly as 200 directory links did three years ago. Expecting the same results from the old techniques or new ones is only going to lead to a lot of giving up on things that “seem” like they aren’t working. We need to change our expectations. We have to stop thinking about search engines as something we can still manipulate to avoid more traditional forms of marketing. The only difference is the way we leverage those techniques from a technical standpoint to bring the maximum benefit.



NEW: iNeoMarketing makes content marketing easy with the new Q8 Content. Q8 fills your content pipeline daily with relevant articles that your audience wants to read. Learn more and sign up for the beta program:


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Marteq's insight:

SEO is NOT dead...just different...with lower results. And it will continue to change so that links, etc., will lose they're value. Focus on the content, the authorship, the social building, the basics. Tackle the SEO and content optimization after you get the engine humming.

Brad Tollefsen's curator insight, September 8, 2014 9:36 AM

There may have been a time when links could push you forward in spite of these other factors. But the new math isn't; old links plus more links equals winning. There are more constants, more variables, the occasional exponent, some parentheses, and no scientific calculators to make it all easier. We have to do it the hard way.

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Penguin 2.0: How to become an online authority - Econsultancy

Penguin 2.0: How to become an online authority - Econsultancy | The MarTech Digest |
The SEO world is abuzz following the release of Penguin 2.0, though there have been several updates to the algorithm since it launched in April 2012.


Invest in quality content

Everything you create – both on and offsite - should have quality at its core. Invest in blogs, news, features, white papers, infographics, videos; but only if they are relevant and likely to have a real benefit to your customer base. 


Invest in onsite content

Google rewards websites that publish content on their own websites. It is a key metric, and growing in importance, brands and businesses that fail to invest in developing onsite content strategies are not going to succeed online. 


Use Google+ Authorship markup to gain even more authority in Google

Why use Google+?

  • It immediately indexes your new content in Google.
  • Create authority and respect in Google’s eyes – Google loves Google products.
  • Generate more inbound links.
  • Generate more social likes and shares.
  • Build up your authorship and expertise in an emerging area for SEO.
  • Add additional SEO power to your guest posts and blogger outreach.
  • Cultivate business leads and be seen as a thought leader.


Amplify your content to create authority

It’s not about masses of poor quality inbound links – it’s about relevant, high value content and inbound links from relevant and quality sites and authors  that share a story, is useful to your customer base and shareable. Social shares are very important for search success, but also in building your authority in Google’s eyes.


Increase traffic to your website 

Marteq's insight:

Excellent advice, and we place this post amongst the top pieces on how to manage the impact from Penguin 2.0.

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William Hanna's curator insight, June 6, 2013 11:32 AM

Let's face it, Google is the juggernaut of search engines.  To oppose the forces Google's algorithms would be a kin to swimming against the current of a large fast flowing river!  So...  do yourself a favor and "go with the flow!"  Google+ is on the rise!

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Google+ in the SERPs Increasing; Authorship Adoption High [Data] - Search Engine Watch

Google+ in the SERPs Increasing; Authorship Adoption High [Data] - Search Engine Watch | The MarTech Digest |
A new analysis suggests establishing Google authorship has moved past the early adopter stage and those marketers who have not yet established authorship and who are not regularly sharing content on Google+ would be wise to do so.


A data analysis of the search results for queries containing 500 of the world's top tech writers' names using Conductor's Searchlight enterprise SEO platform (disclosure: I work for Conductor) – shows that Google is surfacing Google+ accounts for personal brand searches with increased frequency. From January 2012 to May 2013 the percentage of writers that have Google+ results appear on page increased from 33 percent to 43 percent.


The analysis showed almost 75 percent of authors with a Google+ account had linked their content to their profile and their authorship appeared in the SERPs. This high percentage of authors who have gone through one of the two steps to establish authorship suggests the importance to natural search visibility they (or their publishers) now assign Google authorship.

Marteq's insight:

Seriously, do you need further proof? Gettoit!

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