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Trust and/but verify

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Trust and/but verify

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How The Best Leaders Build Trust

How The Best Leaders Build Trust | Trustbuilding |

Think about it this way: When trust is low, in a company or in a relationship, it places a hidden “tax” on every transaction:


every communication, every interaction, every strategy, every decision is taxed, bringing speed down and sending costs up.


My experience is that significant distrust doubles the cost of doing business and triples the time it takes to get things done.

Via AlGonzalezinfo
ozziegontang's curator insight, May 8, 2013 3:39 AM

The power of trust in a business is healthy for the employees and ROI.

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Why identifying your influencers is crucial

Why identifying your influencers is crucial | Trustbuilding |

Because of the power of word-of-mouth, knowing who your company's top influencers are can be a great asset. Read on for how brands of all sizes can benefit.

The advent of social media has changed how businesses function across all departments -- from sales techniques to marketing strategies to customer service efforts. And because word-of-mouth is the most trusted method of advertisement, there are many opportunities online for businesses of all sizes. Social networks are ripe grounds for conversation through reviews, complaints, praise, questions, etc. In fact, consumers tend to believe and trust the opinion of someone they know or a consumer opinion online over traditional advertising or marketing, making word-of-mouth one of the most powerful techniques in business. A glowing or scathing review from a trusted source can make a huge impact on a brand or a consumer's purchasing decisions.

Brands should take advantage of the way social networks function. There are highly influential social network users whose opinions are trusted -- and many have a hefty following to boot. These users can act as top tier ambassadors for a brand, especially if there is a good relationship between the individual and the brand. This is why companies of all sizes should identify who these influencers are and reach out to them. There are tools that can identify top influencers by impact (those who have the highest following) and by volume (those who mention your brand or product most frequently).

Let's take a look at how three different businesses -- a major brand, a local business, and an independent music artist -- can benefit from influencer identification.

Continue Reading ... 

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The end of fame (as we know it)

My talk at TechWeek L.A. 11/15/12 - Why do we remember famous people in history? How? How about today's celebrities?
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5 Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship | Tiny Buddha

5 Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship | Tiny Buddha | Trustbuilding |
“Toxic” doesn’t only entail obvious damage like physical abuse, stealing, or name-calling. It also represents the internal turmoil that results from an unhealthy relationship.
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The Tricky Art Of Scientific Management - extreme trust

The Tricky Art Of Scientific Management - extreme trust | Trustbuilding |
Let’s play 20 Questions. I’m thinking of a mathematical rule that applies to the sequence of numbers 3, 6, 9.
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Is Your Online Reputation Positive?

Is Your Online Reputation Positive? | Trustbuilding |
Blog post at : We sometimes forget about our online reputation until we're ready to make a change - like finding a new job or looking for a new...
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Building Attention within a Market of Extreme Distraction #publishing #business #trust #relationships #Godin

Building Attention within a Market of Extreme Distraction #publishing #business #trust #relationships #Godin | Trustbuilding |
Fortifying trust and scaling emotion.Tactile economic shifts have given rise to new approaches for how we might protect the arts and culture in a web environment that is beyond fractured, a commerce system that doesn't seem to be getting its priorities...
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11 Reasons Why Social Business is Like Dating | Jeffbullas's Blog

11 Reasons Why Social Business is Like Dating | Jeffbullas's Blog | Trustbuilding |
What makes social business comparable to dating? What useful advice can we take from our dating experience? Too many companies are out shopping for a spouse and jumping right to the big question of ‘will you marry me?
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Social Trust Factor: 10 Tips to Establish Credibility | Marketing Nutz

Social Trust Factor: 10 Tips to Establish Credibility | Marketing Nutz | Trustbuilding |
Do you lack the trust factor? Are your communities are reluctant to engage with you.10 tips to increase credibility and trust.
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Does Your Passion Overshadow Another’s?

Does Your Passion Overshadow Another’s? | Trustbuilding |

It can be like an overpowering cologne or perfume. When someone enters the room, the scent overtakes everything, and we can barely breathe.


The same happens when someone’s individual passion overtakes a conversation or decision. What seems to be the unfortunate goal is for one person’s passion to be imposed on others. It is passion domination!


The discussion on passion in organizations gets very interesting as we dig into it. There are issues to be highlighted and resolved.


One key question is:  Can passion be transferred?


The question centers on two dimensions:


1) Personal passion

2) Organization passion


Read the complete discussion and join the conversation.

Via David Hain
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The Reputation Economy Is Coming: Here's What You Need To Know To Start Preparing For It

The Reputation Economy Is Coming: Here's What You Need To Know To Start Preparing For It | Trustbuilding |

Robin Good: If you are interested in learning what the "reputation economy" is all about and why it will trump traditional approaches to marketing in the next few years, I highly recommend reading this Wired feature article.

In it you will find not only lots of good information on what measuring reputation really means, and how reputation may be used in the near future, but you will also get a shortlist of the key companies moving in this space and a simple ten-step reputation plan that you can use to start steering in the right direction.

Here a few excerpts from it:

"When asked for the sources upon which a user's trustworthiness is based, reputation startups list the usual suspects -- LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter -- but refuse to go further, saying that the algorithm is proprietary.

For these trust-validation services to become credible they're going to need to differentiate their products from those offered by companies such as PeerIndex, Kred and Klout, which collect digital information from different social-media sources.

Their metrics -- who I "follow", who "follows" me, who I know professionally, where I check in, what I chat about -- are measuring social influence, not reputation.

"Influence measures your ability to drag someone into action," says Joe Fernandez, cofounder of San Francisco-based Klout (wired 08.12). "Reputation is an indicator of whether a person is good or bad and, ultimately, are they trustworthy?"

"...reputation is largely contextual, so it's tricky to transport it to other situations. Sure, you might be an impeccable Airbnb host, but does that mean I would trust you with my car?"

"...Many of the ventures starting to make strides in the reputation economy are measuring different dimensions of reputation.

On Stack Overflow, for instance, reputation is a measure of knowledge; on Airbnb it's a measure of trust; on Wonga it's a measure of propensity to pay; on Klout and PeerIndex it's a measure of influence."

"The most basic level is verification of your true identity -- is this person a real person? Are they are who they say they are?

It's also foreseeable that data giving a good indicator of character, such as reliability and helpfulness, in one marketplace is a baseline of how you will behave in another marketplace.

Do we do what we say we are going to do? How well do we respect another person's property? Can we be trusted to pay on time?"

Valuable read. Recommended. 9/10

Full article:

Via Robin Good, Brian Yanish -
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All You Have To Offer Is Sex?

Realtionship, sex, happiness, finance, singing songs, manipulating, desires, motivation

What a statement!
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How Social Proof Dominates Your Life – The Startup –

Humans are constantly having cognitive biases affect the way decisions are made. These biases cause people’s brains to distort reality, impair judgment, and cause impulse decisions. The social proof
Content's insight:

know it, use it and manage the social proof mechanism

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Rescooped by Content from #BetterLeadership! | Values Statements are More than Words on a Wall | Values Statements are More than Words on a Wall | Trustbuilding |

"Publicly stating core values and beliefs requires courage because that declaration creates an expectation of specific behavior. Following through with that behavior over time requires commitment. However, if groups or individuals do not examine their values and work to achieve alignment, agreement and acceptance, they have no clear direction. A values statement is a means to that end."


"Developing a values statement is relatively easy; living those values is not."

Via Ariana Amorim, AlGonzalezinfo
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Wise guys geburtstagsständchen yourube video song

Happy birthday!
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When helping isn't helping | Psychology Today

When helping isn't helping | Psychology Today | Trustbuilding |
Relationships. Low Sexual Desire · Relationships · Sex .... The 12 Ties that Bind Long-Term Relationships. by Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D. 3. Social and Sexual Scenarios With Students: What Would You Do?
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How Brands Build Trust: Branding Strategy Insider

How Brands Build Trust: Branding Strategy Insider | Trustbuilding |
Trust is the most critical component in building and maintaining a strong, emotionally driven and enduring brand.
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Social Media

Social Media | Trustbuilding |
The Path To Building Online Trust...
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4 Reasons Why “It Will Be Different With Me” Syndrome Is Dangerous

4 Reasons Why “It Will Be Different With Me” Syndrome Is Dangerous | Trustbuilding |
Remember that hot guy in high school who dated every girl in his class, despite treating every one of them like crap?  Why was this possible?
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McGee's Musings - how to gain trust

McGee's Musings - how to gain trust | Trustbuilding |
Trust triangle with 3 parameters:
1 cooperation
2 autonomy
3 control
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• Nike+ FuelBand im Test: Motivation zum Anziehen – GIGA

• Nike+ FuelBand im Test: Motivation zum Anziehen – GIGA | Trustbuilding |
Die Zeit: Nachmittag. Die Skala: Orange. Die Konsequenz: Der Träger des Nike+ FuelBands überwindet seinen Schweinehund, geht joggen..
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When There Is Trust…The Dollars Flow

When There Is Trust…The Dollars Flow | Trustbuilding |

A project manager and a web developer drew a dollar sign on the “trust” side and a penny sign, on “no trust” side.

They simply described it as the following:

“When there is trust, the dollars flow, when there is no trust, the pennies trickle.”

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10 Ways to Convert More Customers With Psychology [INFOGRAPHIC]

10 Ways to Convert More Customers With Psychology [INFOGRAPHIC] | Trustbuilding |

This article is by Gregory Ciotti for Social Fresh, along with an infographic with data that contains some very important information.

(credits at the bottom).

Understanding your customer from a psyhological point of view will help you to engage with them, serve them better and potentially build a loyal customer base.

Here are a few highlights:

Understand the 3 Types of Buyers

 Help customers break through "Action Paralysis" by setting minimums

for example: remind your customers how easy it is to get started (No payments for the first month)

 Understand the 3 types of buyers - 

By understanding the psychology of these 3 types of buyers, you can package your products, articulate your message in ways that speak to their listening

**15% spendthrifts

**24% tightwads

**61% average spenders

Use Urgency the smart way

**Urgency and scarcity are known to drive up sales, but according to research from Howard Leventhal, people are prone to block out urgent messages if the are't given information on how to follow up.

More data on this.....

Selected by Jan Gordon covering "Curation, Social Business & Beyond"

Read article and see infographic here: []

Infographic by HelpScout

Data by Gregory Ciotti

Via janlgordon
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Do You Know How Social Currency Influences Behavior?

Do You Know How Social Currency Influences Behavior? | Trustbuilding |
Conversation Agent quotes on Influence from Valeria Maltoni It's the age of the connected customer and people are now comfortable using technology to share -- privately or in public.

Here are some highlights:

How social currency influences behavior

**Social influences include peer pressure and social exchange. The latter is stronger than an economic motive.

**Most human interactions consist of an exchange of value. From a psychological standpoint, actions like sharing signal desire for self expression, need for validation, and social status recognition, and also simply altruism and affinity with a group or cause.

**Both social influences are amplified in public settings.

Psychologist Robert Cialdini documented six principles of ethical persuasion:

**social proof






Selected by Jan Gordon covering "Curation, Social Business and Beyond"

Read full article, see slideshare, images here: []

Via janlgordon
Thomas Wooldridge's comment, April 19, 2013 7:17 AM
social Proof.. It is what we all seek