7 Habits of Highly  Ineffective Leaders | #LEADERship #ModernEDU #GrowthMindset | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it

Leadership...It Depends
Leadership styles sometime depends on the situation. Some people head into a leadership position with big dreams and the best intentions, and then they remember they have to work with people who may not be on board with those big dreams, and they lose those best intentions.

Other times leaders enter into the situation ready to move forward, but because of mandates, rules and the politics of distraction (Hattie. 2015) they become insecure and not sure what to do first. As leaders, when we have so many choices of where to start we sometimes choose not to choose at all. Understanding our current reality is important, but what should be on our radar is not always so glaringly obvious.

Leadership is not for the faint of heart...

In Stephen Covey's seminal work, The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People he showed us...some may even say inspired us...with 7 habits that all successful people have, and taught us that with some hard work we can adopt those habits too.


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Via Gust MEES