Leadership Is About Enabling The Full Potential In Others | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it
The 21st century leader must have the ability to make the most out of every situation. They are courageous and not afraid to challenge the status quo and push the boundaries to make things better. Because of these qualities and many others, the best leaders know how to get the most out of people; they enable the full potential in others.

An employee’s success, the lens they see through, the decisions they make and how they navigate their careers are all heavily influenced by the types of leaders they are able to observe and learn from. This is why you will find that many of today’s best leaders were mentored by great leaders themselves (see examples of successful technology leaders and their mentors). Success as a leader is a by-product of the leaders and mentors we associate with throughout our careers.


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Via Anne Leong, Tony Phillips, Gust MEES