Teachers Need a Growth Mindset Too | #ModernEDU #ProfessionalDevelopment | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it
Pushing our students to adopt a growth mindset is an easy call. Adopting one ourselves is harder.


Having a growth mindset doesn’t just mean learning about the theory and leaving it at that. It’s a constant process. Sometimes it’s difficult, often it’s a little painful, but it’s always worth the effort.

Six Tips for Instilling a Growth Mindset in Yourself

Focus on the hard stuff


Try innovative solutions, and if they don’t work, try some more.


Seek feedback wherever you can.


Reflect at the end of every day, especially the bad ones.


Notice the areas where you have a fixed mindset.


There’s a catch to learning a lot about growth mindset. Once we learn just how much of our lack of growth is a product of our attitude, it’s not so easy to write things off as impossible anymore.


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Via Gust MEES