How to Create Conversation Zones to Support Learning Styles - Renovated Learning @DianaLRendina | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |
At Stewart, we had a pretty loud library.  There were robots racing through the stacks, the rustle of tubs of LEGOs being dug into, and the chatter of excited students talking about their favorite books and collaborating on projects.  At my current school, the previous culture of the library had been one where a whisper was as loud as it got. In both cases, balance is needed. Yes, libraries are collaborative and active and having a space for conversation without worrying about being shushed is important.  Yet at the same time, we have students who need to decompress, hunker down to study for an exam, or get lost in a good book. We can support loud and quiet in our libraries, but it takes effort to make it happen.

Via John Evans